Selfie Scavenger Hunt Ideas

scaenger hunt selfie ideas

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Wait, what? A selfie scavenger hunt? Wtf?

You're either like duh, this selfie idea is old news, orrrrrrr you're intrigued.

Whatever the case, we're serving up all the selfie ideas for a selfie scavenger hunt ideas to get you inspired.

First off, what is a selfie scavenger hunt...

A selfie scavenger hunt is basically a way to bring some fun to your Instagram while engaging your followers or connecting with people who have a similar interest.

For instance, if you're feeling like an #influencer, you can organize your own selfie scavenger.



In this case, you basically organize a list of places or things to "selfie" with that you share with your followers.Followers then complete the hunt by checking off the various selfie ideas you provided them with (ideas to follow!)


If your creative juices aren't exactly flowing and you'd rather just follow someone else's scavenger hunt, you can connect with influencers who share similar interests.

For instance, a makeup influencer who has you do a makeup-related scavenger hun, or a fitness influencer who encourages you to take fitness-inspired selfies.


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Okay, we're all on the same page now? Excellent.

If you want to organize your own selfie scavenger hunt, here are some ideas:

1) Selfie in front of a blue car

2) Selfie with a complete stranger

3) Selfie in front of a McDonalds

4) Selfie with a cat

5) Selfie in a tree

6) Selfie with a Starbucks drink

7) Selfie in a change room

8) Selfie in front of an exit sign

9) Selfie with a waiter/waitress

10) Selfie in front of a green wall

11) Selfie in front of a bus

12) Selfie in a pool

13) Selfie wearing a cape

14) Selfie in a wig

15) Selfie with something cold

16) Selfie with a pen

17) Selfie smelling a flower

18) Selfie with a "for sale" sign

19) Selfie with an old CD

20) Selfie wearing red lipstick

21) Selfie with an apple

22) Selfie in your bedroom

23) Selfie with a hat on

24) Selfie reading a book

25) Selfie using a makeup brush

Okay, so we think you probably get the point here...

You can truly make a selfie scavenger hunt about anything. You can make it as random as you want, or you can tailor it to people's specific interests.

Regardless, don't take it too seriously, have fun with it, and don't forget to share some of your favorite selfie scavenger hunt ideas with us.

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