76 Food Photography Hashtags Everyone Needs To Know for Instagram

Food photography hashtags for social media posts.

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Whether you're the next Gordon Ramsey or not, if you have an active Instagram, there's a good chance you've posted a food pic at least once in your life.

We might not like to admit that we've been that girl standing over a stack of pancakes at brunch trying to get the perfect angle, but let's be honest, most of us have been there and photographed that.

If you've gone ahead and snapped some drool-worthy photos and you're looking for some food photography hashtags to try out on your Instagram or TikTok, we've rounded up all the best food photography hashtags for you.

Take your pick!

#food #foodphotography #yum #delicious #foodpic #instafood #foodstagram #yummy #foodblogger #cooking #foodgasm #cook #foodpics #tasty #foodart #foodblog #foodlove #foodphoto #foodheaven #foodgram #foodshare #foodcoma #foodinsta #foodlife #foodpost #foodaddict #foodoftheday #foodforlife #foodforfoodies #foodiegram #foodiesofinstagram

As you can see here, there is no shortage of food-related hashtags out there to choose from.

*PRO TIP: If you're hungry, don't go looking up these hashtags on IG. The amount of delicious-looking food that people post on Instagram will boggle your mind.

Okay, back to the photography hashtags...

If you need food photography hashtags that are a bit more specific to the food you are posting about, here are some ideas for you.


Food hashtags for the health enthusiast

If you're bursting with green juice and kale chips, first of all, you go girl. Secondly, here are the hashtags you're going to want to use when sharing your healthy life.

#foodisfuel #healthyfood #foodismedicine #healthylifestyle #health #healthandwellness #wellness #mealprep #mealplan


And then you can also feel free to hashtag any specific eating regimens you follow for your healthy lifestyle (i.e. #keto #paleo #vegan #vegetarian). This is a great way to get the right eyes on your pics.

Instagram food photography hashtags for the restaurant connoisseur

We've all been there: You're sitting at a restaurant, eagerly awaiting your meal, they put it down in front of you, and you're completely in awe of how beautiful it is...

In this case, for the restaurant lover, you'll want to use these hashtags:

#restaurant #foodie #meal #foodporn

And of course, and probably most importantly, don't forget to hashtag the name of the restaurant you're at. You never know, the restaurant might see your pic, repost it, bringing you some new followers. Winning.

Food photography hashtags for specific foods

This is an easy one that doesn't require much explanation.

Taco night --> #tacotuesday #taco #tacos

Grabbing pizza --> #pizzanight #pizza #pizzalover #pizzagram #pizzalove #pizzaporn

In the mood for pasta --> #pasta #pastalover

Summer stop for ice cream --> #icecream #icecreamlover #icecreamaddict

You get the idea...

Speaking of ice cream, though. You know there have to be some specific food hashtags out there for those of us with a sweet tooth...

Dessert food photography hashtags


As is the case with any meal, we saved the best for last: dessert!

Try these hashtags on for size when posting pics of your sweets:

#dessert #cake #dessertporn #chocolate #desserttime #dessertstagram #dessertoftheday #chocolatelover #chocolatechip

And then, of course, we've got #candy #sugarrush #sweet #sweettooth and #treatyourself for times where we're not necessarily talking about dessert, but we are talking about something sweet.

It would be easy to go on and on here with all the food photography hashtags, but our best piece of advice would be to describe the food you're shooting using a few select hashtags, and you'll have the perfect recipe for your caption (pun totally intended).

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